The Game of the Year Organization - Because you care more about our opinion than yours
The Outlast of Us

It's difficult for us to conceive that a Game of the Year award is allowed to exist for only one game each year. One that showcases a title as existing above all others released in the same timeframe. For us, GOTY is rebranded as Games of the Year. A series of awards to showcase some of the best titles released. These are games you need to play. Tweet us your recommendations if they're not on this list. There's a lot of games we still need to play

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

If you've played the previous entries then you know what this game is all about. There were a few changes to this installation that manage to keep the series interesting. A lot of the goals and mechanics are the same. That's not to say this is a bad thing at all, quite the opposite considering it has been done well each time. If you enjoyed them before you'll enjoy this one. If you've never played any of the previous games prepare for something that can take a lot of your free time depending on your style of play.


Antichamber is a weirdly-unique puzzle game. Why haven't you played it yet? Have you even seen the trailer?

Bioshock Infinite

The gameplay was never anything to get overly excited about, but the storyline is absolutely phenomenal. No one should be missing out on this experience. Brilliant minds have created brilliant things.


Sometimes buggy, but mostly, and always, adorable. This game is worth playing if you're looking for something cute with a unique sense of what puzzles should be.

Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 3 takes everything great about the previous games and ramps it up circa level insanity with more combo weapons, more body parts, and more dead things than you'll know what to do with. Not only is there a difficulty built specifically for series veterans and hardcore players that loved the challenge of previous installments, there's also a difficulty that's great for newcomers and those that simply want to enjoy the game at a slow pace. Mindlessly sitting on your couch and killing AI-controlled zombies, welcome to deadception

Don't Starve

Don't Starve throws you into a world of survival with little to no instructions or help. It's up to you as the player to figure it out. The mechanics aren't all that complex and fairly easy to grasp. Indefinite survival is eventually the difficult part.

Gone Home

Without giving too much away, Gone Home presents a story that doesn't need to pander to "What everyone expects a game like this to be because that's what everything else does". It does what it does and it does it well. Plus it takes place in the 90s.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto finally has a new entry that manages to impress in almost every aspect. The huge, varied world and gameplay serve as a perfect backdrop to whatever insanity your mind can conjure.

Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct was a series long overdue for another sequel. What we got was something amazing which defined itself from previous entries while making it obvious that, yes, this is indeed a Killer Instinct game. Although the free to play elements are likely holding some features back that would have been awesome--such as the ability to unlock players versus paying for them, reward versus instant gratification--the game is entertaining even in its incomplete state and often criticized free-to-play model (we agree with the criticism of F2P across the board, a game we enjoy will not be exempt from such criticism. However, it should be noted that this title does not suffer from the stigma that plagues a majority of the F2P market. Requiring an online check is another area that this title deserves criticism for.)


While this game is completely laughable in its attempt to cater to children with its often relentless difficulty--even on easy--it's an adorable adventure that fans of Crash Bandicoot will almost certainly enjoy. It's extremely simple in gameplay controls and mechanics but that's part of the fun. It's not perfect, but there's a chance you'll love this game if you give it a try.

The Last of Us

Simply put, The Last of Us isn't just one of the most moving stories ever told, it's also the lovechild that *true* survival horror should have given birth to. This is what Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 should have been.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Essentially just an HD port... Okay, so that's exactly what this game is, mostly. There's few gameplay changes that were made such as the added ability to send a message in a bottle to random players in the Miiverse, which replaced the Tingle Tuner from the original Gamecube version. The game looked and played beautifully back on its original 2002-2003 release and still holds up to this day. Now use your imagination on what a full HD port of that would look like and you're about ten percent of the way there.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

With its upbeat and catchy OST, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance isn't just a great soundtrack, it's a perfect Hack N' Slash title that hardcore fans of the series and genre can appreciate.


Outlast ranks high on its own merit and has earned a spot as one of the best horror games ever released. A refreshing indie title in a world where horror (and we stress *horror*) is shrugged off by AAA greed as not being profitable enough for their already bloated bank accounts. Not to mention this is one of the best looking games ever released. The eye candy compliments what is a perfect experience. You will shit.

Pikmin 3

Pikmin 3 is easily, without question, one of the best--if not *the* best--titles released in 2013. It manages to overshadow the previous entries of the series in just about every way conceivable. This is a system seller that is, unfortunately, not doing its job for various reasons that are not of its own fault. What job it does do, however, is showing how to properly use the Wii U gamepad without turning it into an inconvenient gimmick. If ever there was a reason to buy a Wii U this game is it, and the time is now.

Pokemon X and Y

There's no shortage of Pokemon games in the world. We keep buying them, they keep making them. Or perhaps we keep buying them *because* they keep making them? X and Y introduced fully 3D worlds and this alone was enough to send fans into a coma. A fully 3D game may not be the only change to this title, but it was certainly the most talked about.


Resogun... play this game, play it now, play it forever. If you're not willing to invest some serious effort and time towards mastering this game it will tear you and your sanity to pieces on the harder difficulties, but that's part of the charm. Arcade shoot 'em up fans need to experience this game, as well as everyone else.

Saints Row IV

Buggy and glitched in many ways, Saints Row IV still manages to be too much fun. There weren't as many amazingly-over-the-top action sequences as the third, but the super powers more than make up for anything this title may lack. And also super powers.

Tomb Raider

One of the best platform adventure games to date. From its beautiful scenery all the way down to the gameplay this title is layers of funcakes.

Check back January 1st-31st 2015 for 2014's best Games of the Year. Be sure to check back regularly for updates and additions to 2013's best.


The internet's only true and honest source for the official Game of the Year news. Did we mention we actually wait until the entire thing is over?